10 Foods to Avoid While Feeding Dogs

Many nutrition experts for dogs have suggested about the top toxic foods to avoid while feeding dogs. You should be vigilant in making a diet for your dog that should not be harmful in any case. Not even in dog transportation, no addition of unhealthy food should be there. For this, you should have the knowledge about foods that what should be feed and what not.

Therefore, here are some foods that are present in your house, but should not be given to your dog:

  1. Avocado

This food is generally meant for donkeys, rabbits, horses, birds, sheep, and goats. Avocados have a constituent that is toxic and harmful to a dog. Every element is dicey. So, keep it away from the dogs.

The worst thing is that it would damage the cardiovascular of dogs.


  1. Alcohol

It is common sense that a dog should never be drunk. It causes vomiting, central nervous system depression, decreased coordination, diarrhea, breathing problems, anomalous blood circulation, coma, tremors and even death.


Don’t ever feed your dog with alcohol in any case.

  1. Coconut

In a strict manner, coconut-based products are harmful to dogs when started taking. Due to the presence of oil, coconut leads to stomach distress and diarrhea. Therefore, it is recommended not to add coconut oil or coconut in dog’s food.


  1. Sweet Products

The products like caffeine, coffee, and chocolates are called Methylxanthines. They are found in cacao seeds. It is the plant’s fruit used for making coffee whereas nuts of the extract are used in sodas.

Sweet products may cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, urination and excessive thirst, hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, and even death.

  1. Citrus

Small doses of citrus including stems, leaves, fruit, peels, and seeds contain varying amounts of citric acid cause irritation and central nervous system depression.

Note: Keep citrus away from the dogs.


  1. Raisins And Grapes

Although the toxic substance in grapes and raisins is not recognized, but these fruits can cause kidney failure to dogs and even to other pets. There are many harmful aspects about these fruits.

It is best to avoid feeding dogs with raisins and grapes.


  1. Dairy And Milk

The dogs cannot possess a significant amount of lactase, milk and other dairy products as they cause them diarrhea or other digestive problems.


  1. Nuts

Almonds, walnuts, and pecans are the nuts rich in a high amount of oils and fats. These fats and oils can cause diarrhea and vomiting and lower the functions of the pancreas in dogs.

  1. Salty And Snack Foods

Salt is unhealthy for the dogs. Salt in excess can generate urination, excessive thirst, and even poisoning due to sodium ions.

If your dog is suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, tremors, depression, seizures, and even elevated body temperature, it means your dog has eaten salt in large amount.

  1. Xylitol

Used as a sweetener in many products like gum, candy, toothpaste, and baked goods, Xylitol can cause insulin release in most species that can cause a liver fail. The increase in insulin leads to lower in sugar levels.

The problems caused by Xylitol can be seen within a few days after its consumption.

Therefore, as a smart owner, add healthy foods to the dog’s diet and avoid the above-mentioned.